Sunday, October 19, 2014

Blog Post #9

So, what does project based learning involve? Project Based Learning involves seven key components:

1. Need to know:
-entry event(anything that gets students attention such as videos, pictures, etc.)

2.A driving question:
-cause a "brainstorm"(allow them to discuss in the classroom)

3.Student voice and choice
-ask them open ended questions(give them the option of proposing their own solutions and researching them to see how they stand)

4.21 Century Skills
-collaboration, communication, critical thinking, technology use

5.Inquiry and Innovation
-don't stop asking questions(allow one question to lead you to the next)

6.Feedback and revision
-allow them to critique one another

7.A Publicly Presented Product
-exhibition night, show-and-tell, whatever works best for you and the children

You have to know what motivates your students to do well. You don't, however, have to be a mind reader! Other teachers are good resources but why not ask your students directly? Check out this video of kids answering that exact question! Motivation and Reward Systems

Project based learning is obviously a far superior approach to teaching than lecturing. It's more fun and effective for students and teachers alike. But, it isn't the way teachers learned. We didn't have these awesome technology tools or this manner of teaching and it is very foreign to us. No need to fear! This website provides you with ten different sites to help you get started!

What does project based learning lead to? In North Liberty High School solved the "watery ketchup" problem by designing a new ketschup bottle cap! Project based learning DOES effect the community if you allow it to! Teachers are no longer need to lead, we are needed to guide. Guide the kids to their own unique potential with project based learning!


  1. I do believe that Dr. Strange said it best, and I do believe that you have done a wonderful job here Courtney.
